Welcome to my Author's Blog!
Hi, all - My name is Barb Warner Deane and I am, among other things, an author of a WWII- era Historical, Women's Fiction novel entitled On The Homefront which is coming soon from The Wild Rose Press. I've been writing for more than 15 years, all my life, actually, so I'm very excited to have sold a book and am eagerly awaiting the chance to hold the published novel in my hands, hopefully in Summer, 2017. On The Homefront is a story about three strong-willed women on the U.S. home front during World War II. The women, Lilly, Ruth, and Helen, live on a family farm in a small town in Upstate New York. World War II affected everyone, whether or not they went to the front lines, in a way that no military action since has. Rationing, making do, getting by, and chipping in was a way of life, and the responsibilities of life fell to the women who were left behind when their husbands, sons, brothers, and fathers went off to war. Lilly and Helen take jobs in an aircraft engine company ala "Rosie the Riveter." Ruth joins the American Red Cross Clubmobile program, in which 25-35 year old college-educated women joined the Red Cross and went to the front lines to drive Army trucks that had been converted to a Club on wheels. In addition to serving coffee and doughnuts to the troops, the women danced, wrote and read letters, and boosted morale, reminding the men why they were fighting so far from home. I will be updating my blog on a regular basis and will let you know when the cover art comes out, release day is set, and what my appearance schedule will be for book signings and talks. I'm busy at work on my next book and can't wait to share my writer's journey with you. Thanks for visiting my blog! Barb